Sister's Corner

Sharing this beautiful message from Bishop Socrates Villegas.

Dear Sisters,
The gift of vocation is a mystery. It can only be fully understood in heaven. You bring down to earth heavenly blessings. Such is your vocation. How sublime is this gift that you celebrate today! When we see you, we remember the love of God. When we hear you, we hear the message of God. When you bless us, we know God touches our souls.
Thank you for being good servants. It is not easy to stay faithful. You have been so brave and generous to keep on serving the Lord against the strong heavy tides of ministry. We are inspired. Thank you… Thank you very much!
Congratulations on your celebration of the One Hundred Years of Carmelite Presence in the Philippines!
Socrates B. Villegas
Archbishop of Lingayen Dagupan
See also the Centennial Event in pictures or video: