Through a star, the magi was able to find the Infant Jesus. God sent this star to guide them in their long journey and search. Like them, we too search for Jesus through people, events, encounters, experiences, etc. in our lives. However, the searching is not always easy and smooth. But we are assured that God will guide us to Him. All we need is openness to His grace.
John of the Cross has great love of the Cross and detachment amongst so many virtues. How can a man like him, who had lived in utter poverty since childhood, soar high to the height of sanctity and attain the bliss of God's "Todo?" His secret? He said, "I looked at your Cross, O Christ, and I read there the song of your love." The Cross is his "guiding star."

I have my own share of Nada (nothing) and Todo (everything). Experiences of Nada in my family, in my life here in Carmel, in my search for God - at times, painful and empty of consolation. And yet, I realized that it is my moment of nothingness and helplessness that I tangibly encounter the Todo - the unfathomable love and mercy of God.
Our life, search and journey may be laden with hurts and difficulties but God will fill us with everything we need and will guide us no matter what.
Happy Feast of the Epiphany of our Lord!!!